4 posts tagged in “React”

Why you should avoid using ES6 Generators to generate keys in React

JavaScript · React · ES6 · Web Development

A few days back I started reading up on ES6 generators (or generator functions), a new feature that I wanted to learn and understand for quite a while now. In retrospect, it’s not that difficult a concept, but it might take some time getting used to how generators work. As I was reading this fantastic writeup by Arfat Salman (which I suggest reading before going any further), I had an idea…
September 13, 2018
3 min read

Javascript Framework Comparison with Examples (React, Vue & Hyperapp)

JavaScript · React · Frontend Development · Web Development · Hyperapp · Vue

In my previous article, I tried to explain why I think Hyperapp is a viable alternative to React or Vue and the reasons I found it easier to get started with it. Lots of people criticized that piece, as it was opinionated and didn’t give the other frameworks a proper chance to shine. So, in this article, I’m going to try to compare these three frameworks as objectively as possible, by providing…
July 11, 2018
9 min read

I abandoned React in favor of Hyperapp — Here’s why

JavaScript · Frontend Development · Web Development · React · Hyperapp

Frameworks like React, Vue and Angular seem to have been all the rage this past year and with good reason: they make it easier to create and maintain scalable web apps. Having worked with React and Vue in the past, mainly on side projects and during courses, I found them both to have quite a steep learning curve. However, out of necessity, I settled with React and Redux as my tools of choice…
June 27, 2018
3 min read

A Guide to creating Web Applications with React and Redux

React · JavaScript · Web Development · Frontend Development

In a previous article, I tried to write an in-depth guide to getting started with Progressive Web Apps. Having learnt a great deal since then, along with noticing some changes in the tools that I used, I decided to write something between a follow-up and a rewrite of that guide. Much like last time, I will be adding a TL;DR in every section to help you figure out what parts of the article you want…
October 31, 2017
24 min read